Chiropractor Questions Neck Pain

Are chiropractic adjustments safe?

I'm 32 and I have pretty consistent neck pain. This has been going on for about 2 months. I heard that chiropractic adjustments might be able to help but I want to know about them. Are they safe?

8 Answers

Yes, Chiropractic adjustments are a safe and effective way of treating neck pain. Every Chiropractor will administer a thorough evaluation to assess if an adjustment is warranted and a safe form of treatment. They will also explain the benefits, risks, and alternatives to treatment and explain exactly what a Chiropractic adjustment does.
Very safe when done by a chiropractic physician. They can eliminate your neck pain.

The answer is yes, absolutely. Your doctor of chiropractic should do an examination and perhaps X-rays to determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure. However, there is very little risk associated with manipulation of any type when performed by a chiropractic physician. If you do not get relief from the adjustments fairly quickly (6-8 visits), you may need to get an MRI to determine if there is disc pathology contributing to your pain. I hope you find this info helpful and some of your fears are alleviated.
Take care and be well.

Dr. Eric Miller
Absolutely--chiropractic adjustments are safe....we treat babies 2 months old and adults to 97 yrs old
Chiropractic treatment is a safe and effective approach to address many pain related conditions. I would seek the opinion of a specific upper cervical (neck) specialist in the chiropractic profession. You can search under specific upper cervical chiropractic or Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic, Orthospinology Chiropractic, NUCCA. Once you find a professional near you, I would call or email the office with questions about their practice and how they address conditions similar to yours. Most offices should be willing or do offer a brief consultation at no charge. Good luck in your search. Chiropractic is a great option.
Yes, safer than drugs or surgery.
Yes they are very safe. What is occurring during and adjustment is simply bringing your bones into proper alignment and allowing your joints to function at 100%.
Chiropractic adjustments are not only safe, but effective. Find a chiropractor that analyzes the body through NeuroStructural Analysis with NeuroStructural X-rays. We focus on getting to the root cause of conditions looking at structure and function.