Colon & Rectal Surgeon Questions Colonoscopy

Are there any risks involved in getting a colonoscopy?

I'm 27 years old, and my doctor wants me to get a colonoscopy. Are there any risks involved in getting a colonoscopy?

3 Answers

Yes, every procedure has potential risks, but they are quite low for colonoscopy in general. The most concerning risk for most people is perforation, which might require surgical repair, but this is the least likely complication to happen. Risk of perforation in an otherwise healthy person should be less than 1 in 3000. Other risks include bleeding and reaction to sedative medications. As long as there is a good and valid indication for a colonoscopy, you should go ahead with it.
Colonoscopies provide an opportunity for diagnostic and therapeutic treatment. There are risks of bleeding and perforation associated with a colonoscopy. Although, these risks are low, it is important to make sure your doctor is certified, skilled and knowledgeable in performing this procedure.
Hi. A colonoscopy is considered a safe procedure but there may be risks associated in a very small number of cases. The benefits outweigh the risks in the vast majority of cases, so you should also discuss this with your Gastroenterologist prior to the colonoscopy.