Dentist Questions Whitening Toothpaste

Are whitening toothpastes safe for enamel?

I am a 24 year old female and I use whitening toothpastes every day. Are whitening toothpastes safe for enamel?

4 Answers

Yes, most whitening toothpastes from reputable brands are safe for enamel when used properly. 
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Whitening toothpastes are safe. I use a whitening toothpaste every day and have not had a problem with it affecting my enamel.
I do not recommend whitening toothpastes. Generally they contain Sodium Bicarbonate (baking soda) which is far to abrasive on the enamel. If you want to whiten your teeth get the whitening strips which are over the counter or bleaching trays from your dentist