Nurse Questions Family Practitioner

Bee sting?

I've been stung by a bee but I don't know which type and I couldn't pull out the stinger for about a week now. The swelling has gone down but the itching has moved toward a surrounding area away from the stunned area. What should I do?

Male | 22 years old
Complaint duration: Week
Medications: None
Conditions: None

7 Answers

I think that that this patient should take antihistamine use a cortisone cream and see a doctor to receive antibiotics
I would go and see your primary care doctor or to an urgent care .
The homeopathic remedy Apis 6x or 6c should assist in detoxing your body from any toxin which could cause itchiness.
You don't pull out the stinger. You can use aloe vera gel apply over the affected area
One of the best things is to get some meat tenderizer and with water make a paste and place on the bee sting- like it does with meat; the tenderizer breakdown down the protein of the bees venom decreasing and eliminating the inflammation
The swelling going down is a good sign. Keep it clean apply ice and you can use calamine and Benadryl for itching.
Keep the area clean, try some benadryl cream. If this does not improve after 2-3 days, contact your primary physician.