Ear-Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT) Questions Snoring

What is the best treatment for snoring?

How is snoring in an adult treated? Is it completely curable? What do you find is the most reliable and harmless treatment?

3 Answers

Snoring treatment should be tailored towards the individual and may be multi-factorial in origin. Elimination of snoring is often not accomplished with a single method. Some methods include:
nasal treatments: sprays, nasal strips/cones, allergy management, surgery
dental appliances
palate procedures/surgery
tonsillectomy and/or adenoidectomy
tongue base suspension/reduction
mandibular advancement
weight loss
Weight loss and a visit to your friendly otolaryngologist for examination and testing with a polysomnogram for upper airway obstruction and/or Sleep Apnea.
Weight loss. Stop smoking and drinking alcohol. Sleep prone or on side. See ENT