Psychologist Questions Negativity

What are the best ways to overcome negative thoughts?

I have negative thoughts in my mind, on and off. I want to know a way in which I could overcome these thoughts from coming to me. What should I do to overcome these thoughts?

12 Answers

Need to identify what contributes to these negative thoughts. Identify thoughts and behaviors that reinforce a positive image of self. A few sessions with a good counselor may expedite the process. Remember, God didn't make junk. You have to see yourself as a worthwhile person with talents and capabilities.
There are many techniques and treatments that have proven successful in helping people reduce or overcome negative thoughts. I would suggest interviewing some psychologists in your area either by phone or email and then making an appointment with the one or ones whose responses inspire the most confidence in you to be able to help you with this situation.
Negative thoughts are learned. They are usually lies we learned. They usually include a rule not to discuss them. If you can face them, understand their origins, find the lies in them and discredit them by realizing they are wrong, you can heal yourself. If you believe they are true and ruminate over them, you are what I call, "loitering", and making yourself worse. You have to find the cruel message you have learned to believe and discredit it.
Well, of course you could seek help from a specialist who works in the area of negative thoughts/OCD. There are also many fine books on the subject, if you are someone who is good at self-help. Martin Seligman’s work on Learned Helplessness is quite good. Meditation and Mindfulness exercises can also be extremely helpful. Try taking a look at Hugh Byrne’s site...he’s quite good.
Keep yourself occupied. Read something that will take your mind off your worries. Exercise, good sleep, and good food help as well. We live in high-stress society. Know that you're not alone and it's not the end of the world.
Write down the thoughts and then cognitively reframe them. Speaking to a professional could help with this.

Geraldine Fee, Ph.D.

You can make a habit of identifying positive aspects of yourself, other people, or circumstances. When you have negative thoughts, you can stop yourself and reframe them in a more positive manner. However, you should allow yourself opportunities to constructively express sadness, hurt, anger or fear which everyone experiences when dealing with adversity or loss. Then, transitioning to a hopeful and positive attitude can help one persevere, cope, problem solve and move on.
Mindfulness meditation is the best way I know of to overcome intrusive thoughts. It's a practice that teaches you to witness the nature and content of your thoughts, and gently return your focus to your breath and the present moment. It doesn't stop negative thoughts from coming, and nothing can, but it gives you facility in recognizing them sooner and having the mental agility to reroute negative thoughts to the here and now. Negative thoughts live in the past or the future; the present is nearly always safe. We either regret (looking backward) or fear (looking forward), neither of which we can control at the present moment. Negative thoughts in the form of self-loathing are best helped by CBT or CBT, in conjunction with mindfulness meditation.
Good luck!
Cognitive therapy is the best way of controlling negative thoughts.
Try Thought Stopping with positive replacement or try Dr. Amen's Killing the ANTS (Autonomic Negative Thoughts) exercise.
Negative thoughts can be a bummer. I'm unsure what you mean by "overcome" as that could mean make them go away completely or it could mean to cope with them when they come up. There are several methods to attack negative thoughts ranging from self-help books to engaging in treatment with a mental health provider. One of the common ideas is to begin to notice if there is a theme to your negative thoughts or if they appear following particular circumstances. My main concern would be for you to determine the extent to which these thoughts negatively impact your functioning and relationships and how long they have occurred. These are signs that professional intervention is needed.
First you need to hang around people who are positive and try to think of only the good things in your life. Try to feel love within yourself and bring love to others even if they don’t return that love. Be happy no matter what happens to you every day. Start by doing this once every day and then after a week or few days, make it twice a day and so on. When your happy with yourself then no more negativity will enter or linger