Ophthalmologist Questions Ophthalmologist

Can I watch TV after Lasik?

I am a 33 year old male and I will have Lasik surgery. Can I watch TV after Lasik?

8 Answers

Please follow the postoperative instructions from your Lasik surgeon. Once healed, you should be able to use your eyes completely.
You absolutely should be comfortable to watch TV within 2 - 4 hours after your LASIK procedure. Your vision will be a little hazy, and will improve over the next few hours days and weeks, but you will easily be able to enjoy TV very quickly. Just be sure to use your preservative free artificial tears at least every 1 hour over the first week or more. You will really enjoy your new vision and be able to wake up the next morning and see the clock!
Ask your surgeon.
This is a great question. You could watch TV immediately after LASIK...your vision will be that good that quickly. But you won’t want to as the eyes will be light-sensitive, tearing with a sandy, gritty feeling in them for about 4-6 hours after the procedure. Therefore, I advise patients to go home and sleep through this healing process. When you wake up the following day, the discomfort should be gone and the vision will be excellent! Learn more about LASIK, SMILE, and other amazing vision correction procedures at rexhamiltonmd.com!
Yes, as soon as you feel well. But rest by closing your eyes for 5 minutes every 15 minutes