Cardiologist Questions Blood Pressure

Can blood pressure medicines cause chest pain?

I am a 45 year old woman and I have been using blood pressure medicines for the last six months. For the last two days I have been feeling heavy along with a slight chest pain. Could it be a side effect of the medicines that I am taking?

4 Answers

Most likely not, you may need check up to rule out coronary artery disease.
No, I would not make that assumption yet. You need to have blood work to rule out heart failure or kidney disease as possible etiology for fluid retention and if you have exertional chest pain, bring it up to the attention of your primary, so they decide if you need a stress test.
Hi , I don't know your meds, but not usually unless its lowering you blood pressure. Chest pain has many causes; chest wall (inflammation) small vessel disease, musculoskeletal, gastric (reflux), anxiety, and true cardiac . At your age, unless there are many risk factors, not likely. I would get a great history, physical, blood tests, ekg, echocardiogram, and maybe a stress echo? Also, look up a test called soltera gram (looks at endothelial function), pulmonary function tests may be needed. The answer is there.
No. Some blood pressure medications can cause a dry cough, but not chest heaviness. If this persists, then you need to visit a physician.