Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

Can chiropractic help with depression?

My 17 year old daughter suffers from depression. I want to know if chiropractic can help with depression?

10 Answers

Not directly, but through relaxing tense muscles.
Chiropractic does not specifically treat depression. With that being said a chiropractor would check the spine and make sure your daughter is in alignment. There are research articles showing chiropractic adjustments to the cervical spine can influence neurotransmitters allowing for serotonin and endorphins.
It really depends on the cause of her depression. Some people become depressed due to chronic pain. Others may have imbalances in their body chemistry. While Chiropractic may not cure depression, it can help decrease pain and improve the bodies ability to function at a better level. The nervous system controls the function of other systems, so removing interference on the nervous system can help it function at a more optimum level. I have had patients relate that they feel much better in general. Give it a try. It can't hurt.
This is a difficult question, because chiropractors are not psychotherapists, which may be a better route. Chiropractors can, however, make lifestyle recommendations, like exercise and diet that may be helpful. Chiropractors do not treat depression. The issues that chiropractors do treat can lead to increased stress which may help. Many chiropractors may refer out to a psychologist or counselor that they trust. Regardless, depression is a serious issue that needs to be evaluated by a health care professional that will take a good history and make appropriate recommendations. The more professionals that are involved, perhaps the better.
That’s something that I focus on heavily in my practice. I can’t say the same for most chiropractors, though. Chiropractic is meant to be a brain-based, neurological profession. When you can improve brain function and health, you can absolutely help depression with chiropractic. It’s one of our specialties in the office.
I have not found a correlation between spinal subluxations and depression.
Chiropractic care helps the brain to have a more open connection to the body and also helps to balance the body. Typically patients that are struggling with this condition do see results with chiropractic care.
Chiropractic is probably not the best option alone for treating depression. Depression needs to be treated with proper nutrition and with a mental health professional. Chiropractors are trained in nutrition as well as spinal manipulation for what it's worth.
Depression is not a diagnosis that is treated by Chiropractors. However, many patient report a feeling of calmness and relaxation after a treatment and some with a lasting effect. Everybody's spine is different and responds differently. The goal is to make the spine work well within its own structural parameters. Stretching, exercises, posture, habits and activities of daily living can make a difference. It is important to get help from a licensed professional. Doctors of Chiropractic (DC) are trained to diagnose and treat all the areas of the neuromuscular skeletal