Endocrinology-Diabetes Questions Endocrinology-Diabetes

Can diabetics drink no added sugar drinks?

I am a 34 year old female and I have diabetes. Can diabetics drink no added sugar drinks?

3 Answers

Yes, but sometimes artificial sugars can raise your blood sugars. Also, aim for low/zero calorie drinks.

Ali A. Achira, MD
From sugar standpoint sugar free drinks are okay to drink.
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Yes. So-called diet drinks have been given a bad rapt by the sugar industry but there are no good facts that they are harmful. I have had diabetes for 27 yrs. & drink diet soda every day & I have had no side effects or complications from them. I also drink unsweetened tea & coffee and that is ok also. Of course plain water is OK also. You need fluids so drink all the water you want & intersperse with other non-sugar drinks as you feel you need.