OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions Pregnancy

Can drinking alcohol cause a miscarriage?

I found out I was pregnant when I was 2 months. I did drink here and there, but that was because I didn't know. Can drinking alcohol cause a miscarriage? Or is a low quantity of alcohol safe? I mainly drank wine and beer, but not a lot.

5 Answers

Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can lead to fetal alcohol syndrome, characterized by some typical facial deformities and intellectual impairment. The best evidence tells us that no amount of alcohol is safe in pregnancy. However, drinking alcohol will not cause a miscarriage. In fact, many years ago, alcohol was used to prevent premature labor because it would suppress contractions. This would never be used today because of the negative effect on fetal well being.
Not necessarily
Not a good idea to engage in the use of alcohol at any stage in pregnancy.

Rob Muller
Alcohol is not safe in pregnancy. It may cause fetal abnormalities, hence you must talk to your gynecologist.
The alcohol even small quantity is NOT safe during a pregnancy. Alcohol during pregnancy can cause BB small for date, multiple malformations, and pregnancies at high risks.