Family Practitioner Questions Digestion

Can drinking more water help with digestion?

I have a very poor digestion and heard that drinking more water can be helpful. Is this true?

6 Answers

No. You need the enzymes and acid to digest your food . Drinking more water will dilute the enzymes and acid
Daily intake of an adequate amount of water is required to keep you hydrated. Drinking too much water could be problematic.
Absolutely! Drinking water helps with lots of the body's functions, but digestion is certainly near the top of that list. Adequate water intake helps ensure normal, regular bowel movements and appropriate bacterial balance in the gut.
Thank you!

Allison K. Key, MD
That is correct. Eating slowly, chewing fully, and not overeating are also important for proper digestion. 

Leslee R. McElrath, MD
Yes for sure water is the best since sugary items may impede digestion