Internist Questions Diabetes

Can honey worsen my diabetes?

Every morning I use honey and a lemon with my tea. But, because of the sugar content, I'm worried that this will worsen my condition. I'm a diabetic. Should I use honey less often, or stop completely?

6 Answers

If you are able to remove other form of sugar which is the white sugar and simple carbohydrates that is white bread and white rice all of these if eliminated can make your blood sugar better controlled and then you can have your small amount of honey in tea.
In excess yes. Do blood sugars after 2hour and see
Modest use of honey as in your case is not likely to cause any problem with your diabetes.
One tablespoon of honey has 64 calories, and one tablespoon of sugar has 46 calories. I do not think it is going to make a great deal of difference.
Diabetes, by the way, is managed through the intake of low amounts of quick carbohydrates, moderate complex carbohydrates, and more protein intake as part of your dietary intervention.
This depends on how much honey you are using. Yes honey is basically sugar & can raise your blood sugar. But honey is no different from any other sugar. It does do miracles like some ads will tell you but neither is it any more harmful that any other source of sugar. Used sparingly, it can be compensated for by adjusting you medications or exercise to burn it off. Remember that honey is a concentrated sugar so it has a lot of calories & can contribute to weight gain which can effect your blood sugar control & you medication needs. Small amounts of honey in your tea once a day will probably not cause you much trouble but go easy on it.
First and foremost you are not a DIABETIC, you are a person with Diabetes. Do not label yourself, You are not a disease.
Honey has glucose and it will elevate your blood sugar, one teaspoonful in a cup of tea is not so bad, so long as your do it in moderation and exercise and take your medications as you have been directed