Nephrologist (Pediatric) Questions Kidney Stones

Can kids get kidney stones from drinking a lot of milk?

My son drinks a lot of milk, but my friend told me that I should slow him down a bit. I asked why, because I always thought milk was great for bone health. But she told me that milk can actually cause my son to develop kidney stones if he drinks a lot of it. Is this true?

3 Answers

It is true, but rarely causes. It causes anemia in most kids.

Milk is good for children and contains many vitamins and minerals. An excess of milk does not cause kidney stones. Most children who develop kidney stones is because of dehydration from not drinking enough water. Hope this helps.
It can if he makes calcium carbonate stones. This would be more likely with dehydration and a family history of kidney stones. Most children do not get enough dairy instead of too much. He needs 16 oz minimum a day. Sweet tea is more likely to make kidney stones.