Ophthalmologist Questions Ophthalmologist

Can lack of sleep cause blurred vision?

My 13 year old son says he has blurred vision when he's tired. I wonder if lack of sleep can cause blurred vision?

6 Answers

Blurred vision has many causes but lack of sleep can cause muscle fatigue that affects the ocular muscles and potentially can cause blurred vision.
Lack of sleep can cause eyelid spasms or twitches, redness, and/or irritation. Irritated and dry eyes can cause blurred vision.
He needs to see an Ophthalmologist (Comprehensive Ophthalmologist or Pediatric Ophthalmologist) for refractions and eye exam.
Yes, it leads to inattention and poor focusing
It is possible. A formal ophthalmologic eye exam should be done to be sure there is correct muscle balance and no need for corrective lenses. Being tired can make underlying eye problems more bothersome.