Plastic Surgeon Questions Plastic Surgeon

Can plastic surgery remove facial scars?

I am a 28 year old male and I have facial scars and on my ear from a motorcycle accident. Can plastic surgery remove facial scars?

10 Answers

Nothing removes scars. Our aim is to make them less noticeable
While scars are permanent, their appearance can be greatly improved.
I would recommend you see a surgeon who specializes in facial plastic surgery to recommend the best course of action. Multiple treatments are available to reduce the appearance of scars.
I am sorry to hear about your accident. There are many ways that plastic surgery can either remove or improve the appearance of scars. It really depends on the location of the scars and the characteristics of the scar. A raised scar can be injected with steroids, can be treated with lasers and dermabrasion. Depressed scars usually do well with resection and re-closure but can sometimes improve with dermabrasion.
Though plastic surgery cannot remove scars, plastic surgical techniques can help reorient or better transition scars to create less conspicuous scars.
Yes. The scars will not be gone, but improved. If there is a problem with them, get a plastic surgeon who is regularly doing this type of surgery.
Thank you for the question. Plastic Surgeons do scar revision. What this encompasses is a simple excision of a scar and closing the open wound as a plastic surgeon does. For more complex scar on the face more complex procedures are needed such as Z or W plastids, dermabraision or various laser procedures.. You should make appointments to seek the opinion of various plastic surgeons who can evaluate your skin scar type and recommend the most feasible procedure. Good luck to you.
Only god can remove a scar totally. However, scars can be drastically improved on the face which traditionally heals well. The single most important issue is the direction of the scar and does it parallel the normal lines of expression. If the scar does not, there are a variety of surgical techniques tp soften and alter the tightness of the scar, as well as appearance.
Scars can be improved, but not eliminated. There are many variables that come into play. You should see a plastic surgeon for a consult.
Good luck.

Ivan Turpin, MD
Thank you for the question. You need to be evaluated to consider what you mean be “facial scars.” In any case, scars can be excised and closed in a different way to make them less apparent, or use microdermabrasion to improve them.

Luis A. Laurentin-Perez, MD PhD.