Social Work Questions Social Work

Can stress from work affect my relationships?

I am a 29 year old male and my relationships are affected by my job as a social worker. Can stress from work affect my relationships?

5 Answers

If do not handle well and brings stress at work to the relationship yes
The brief answer is yes!
Yes, absolutely. Especially if you are the type of person that absorbs other people's problems. it is very important to have a way to maintain a balance between work and down time. You need to find ways to relax or decompress before going home such as exercise, relaxation techniques, meditation, etc
Social Workers have a very difficult job. I have found leaving work at work, and involving myself in outside activities to relieve stress helps with this. Find some sort of exercise or other activity that you can use as an outlet. Also, I find spending time alone from your partner to decompress for an hour or so is beneficial.
Absolutely, any stressful job can affect your relationship. As a social worker you may want to find some kind of coping skills to reduce your stress so it doesn't come home with you. It can be hard but there are many resources out there.