Dentist Questions Dentist

Can you have dental implants if you have periodontal disease?

I am a 45 year old female. I want to know if you can have dental implants if you have periodontal disease?

5 Answers


This is a great question. The short answer is "yes." Implants are the best option for replacing missing teeth due to periodontal disease. The question really becomes - how severe is the periodontal disease? If it is severe periodontal disease, then a person may be looking at implant-supported dentures as the best option. If it is mild periodontal disease, then a person is most likely able to replace just the worst teeth with implants, and save the remaining teeth.
Hope that helps.

Dr. V. Landon Blatter
Only if the perio disease is under control and there is no active bone loss.
Not only would that be a bad choice, but anyone who would start the process of delivering an implant restoration in the presence of periodontal disease should be avoided. On the other hand, if the perio disease has been treated and is under control, that's a completely different story.
Periodontal disease includes loss of bone around the tooth roots. Do you have enough bone left to place an implant into? Why did the bone loss occur? If this is not corrected, it could continue around the implant. If smoking is a contributing factor to your periodontal disease, it decreases the chance of long term success of implants. This does not mean implants should not be done. It just means there is a decreased chance of success. If uncontrolled diabetes is a contributing factor for your periodontal disease, that may be a contraindication for implant placement. In other words, a simple yes or no answer cannot be given. Your best answer will come after an in-depth consultation with your dentist.
It isn’t recommended until you clear up or have it under total control. Periodontitis (gum disease) is a disease of the gums and the bone around the roots of the teeth. Implants placed in a mouth with periodontitis will become implants with Peri-implantitis. The implants will fail.