General Practitioner Questions Vaginal Yeast Infection


I have a vaginal yeast infection (recurrent). I take fluke 150 three times in three weeks. One time in one week, I use candid v jelly daily at bedtime for one week. But I have a low grade fever which comes and goes. What is the cause of this low grade fever?? My urine culture report and blood test (cbc, dengue, malaria) is normal. Usg (kub) report is also normal. Then what is the cause of this low grade fever??

Female | 22 years old

4 Answers

Unsure, but an uncomplicated yeast infection will not cause a fever!
You need a good check up by your gyn physician

I hope your partner was also treated for yeast

Check your blood sugar it may also cause yeast infections
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Yeast infections should not cause a fever, even low-grade. Without being able to do a thorough physical exam and reviewing all your labs and X-rays, it will be impossible to know what the cause might be. Would discuss with your healthcare provider to see what he/she thinks the reason might be. Could still be gyn-related and, if suspicious, would definitely pursue further. If any chance of pelvic/tubal infection, that needs to be addressed, the sooner the better.
Have gynecologist check you and do cultures