Cardiologist Questions


if your in congested heart failure can you have fluid in plural cavity without any in the lungs

Male | 78 years old
Complaint duration: 2 months
Conditions: chf

1 Answer

Yes. Right ventricular failure results primarily in fluid in the pleural cavities, the virtual space between the visceral pleura, directly lining the lungs, and the parietal pleura, lining the chest wall. Left ventricular failure is what causes fluid directly in the lungs. Usually, right ventricular failure is a result of left ventricular failure but not always. If you have fluid in the pleural space, you will generally have congestion of the liver, dilated veins in your neck, and swelling of the legs. You can even have fluid in the abdominal cavity causing swelling of the abdomen in severe right ventricular failure. Sometimes, right ventricular failure relieves a failing left ventricle so that there is less or very little fluid in the lungs. Pleural fluid can have many causes and you must be evaluated and treated by a doctor for it. This is a complicated condition!