Anesthesiologist Questions Anesthesia

For corn removal will the doctor give me anesthesia?

I have a corn on my foot, so the doctor said that he will cut and remove it. I'm really unsure of what this procedure would be like, so will he give me local anesthesia for the same?

7 Answers

Yes, local anesthesia is quite appropriate
The surgeon will usually inject a local anesthetic to deaden the nerve endings prior to excising the lesion.
Probably just local. Probably an office procedure. Your podiatrist should be quite capable to do this on his own.
Yes. An injection around the lesion so it can be removed painlessly. The injection stings for a few seconds, though.
A corn on the toe or foot is considered to be squamous cell tissue, that is, extra tissue and virtually dead. The shaving of this tissue can be done without anesthesia local or IV meds, since the nerve endings are no longer functional. Ask your podiatrist or foot surgeon what he usually does prior to the date of the operation to make your decision about the surgery.
Most often these are simply a pearing down of excess skin that grows until it is flat against the normal skin. Likely no anesthesia is necessary and cold application may help with any discomfort during the procedure. Please let you physician know if you are experiencing discomfort and a local anesthetic likely can be given.

Yes it sounds like you will receive local anesthesia for your procedure.

Dr Ketch