Sports Medicine Specialist Questions Muscle pain

How can I deal with post workout muscle pain?

I have muscle pain all over my upper body after a heavy workout session. Is there a way to deal with this pain?

8 Answers

Staying hydrated. Making sure you eat enough protein (40 grams) after your workout is very helpful. Also, consider taking a natural anti-inflammatory supplement like Tumeric or Curcumin.

Jesse A. Morse, MD, MBA, CAQSM
That can mean many things. Most important issue is to make sure you’re stretched well. Make sure you’re doing appropriate exercises with the appropriate plans of action.
The best results are with good hydration during and after exercise and stretching
It is quite natural to have muscle soreness after a strenuous workout. The best treatment is rest to allow the muscle fibers to recover. Heat, ice and over-the-counter pain medication such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen may help control the discomfort.
Sometimes muscle pain can be attributed to dehydration or poor nutrition. Always make sure you keep yourself well hydrated before and during and after an exercise routine. Water is important and you can also use products like Pedialyte which is a safe and gentle electrolyte solution. Make sure you also eat a light meal before you work out and also eat after to replenish lost nutrients . In rare cases, it can be something more serious. See a sports medicine specialist if this continues
Be sure you are well-hydrated before, as well as after, heavy workouts. Byproducts of heavy muscle workload accumulate and cause muscle soreness and need to be flushed away by your bloodstream. Staying well-hydrated with water is all you need.
Fluid Hydration with Supplement Electolytes and Recovery Meal Plan is the first key.

Second a recovery workout with Bike, swimming and then Stretching Program with multiple times a day evening and nite.

I also believe in Massage by an expert to help the muscles rid themselves of toxins that cause pain and New Recovery programs with Breathing are the NEXT FUTURE!!! Breathe out your toxins and breathe recovery!!!