Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon Questions Root Canal Treatment

What is the difference between an oral surgeon and a dentist?

Recently, for a wisdom tooth extraction that I need, I was referred to an oral surgeon and not a dentist. Why is that?

11 Answers

Oral surgeons are specialists in extractions. Sometimes a wisdom tooth is coming in sideways, impacted or could be close to a nerve which would require a specialist
They are both dentists, oral surgeon is specialized in oral surgery procedures.
Oral surgeon has more expertise in this particular procedure
An oral surgeon is somebody who has completed between 4-6 years of additional training following dental school to complete surgical procedures including wisdom tooth extraction. Due to this increased education, they are often more qualified to complete the procedure, in this case wisdom tooth extraction, without complication and with ultimate patient comfort achieved.
When the extraction is complicated it’s best to be performed by an oral surgeon.
Mostly the expertise, the amount of time, and necessity for controlling difficult situations do two positioning of the teeth themselves require the employment of a specialist who deals with this problem daily oral surgeons are trained for three additional years beyond what your dentist is.
An oral surgeon specializes in the removal of teeth as well as more advanced jaw/facial surgeries. They go to school an additional 4-6 years longer than a general dentist. While a general dentist can remove teeth, when the removal is deemed more complicated than the general dentist feels comfortable taking on, patients are generally referred to the specialist,
in this case an oral surgeon.

In health,

Dr. Rankin

An oral surgeon specializes in surgery. He has gone through 4 extra years of training in surgery. They don’t do fillings, root canals, etc... A dentist can perform any procedure they are comfortable doing. If they feel that a certain case is more complicated or above their comfort level, you will be referred to a specialist. Obviously, some dentists are more comfortable performing some procedures over others.
An Oral Surgeon is a dentist that has specialized in surgical procedures. Oral surgeons typically do not perform general dentistry services. Depending on the schooling, training, and experience of a general dentist, a general dentist may well be completely competent in many facets of oral surgery as well as general dentistry. By no means does this imply all dentist should or could remove wisdom teeth. Nor does this mean that they should. A competent general dentist will and should know their limitations, as should all oral surgeons.
Oral surgeons receive several extra years of training in a specialized residency. They have advanced skills in treating trauma and dealing with difficult oral surgical procedures. Many also have an MD degree in conjunction with a DDS or DMD degree. While all dentists are capable of doing tooth extractions, many times they will refer the more involved cases to an oral surgeon.
An oral and maxillofacial surgeon is a doctor who has completed dental school and then completed a 4-6 year hospital based surgical residency.