Ophthalmologist Questions Ophthalmologist

Do eye drops help after LASIK surgery?

I am a 27 year old female. I will have LASIK surgery. Do eye drops help after LASIK surgery?

10 Answers

Very often eyes are very dry and you can use artificial tears
After surgery and for a few weeks you need eye drops to help with healing and prevent infection
There are drops that can help after laser surgery.
Eye drops can help dry eye symptoms that can occur after LASIK.
Yes, after LASIK, you will need anti-inflammatory eye drops, antibiotic drops, and lubricants. The schedule depends on your surgeon and the exact type of LASIK that you are having.
It is very important to follow the recommendations of your LASIK surgeon and use the drops as prescribed. You should be using an antibiotic and anti-inflammatory drop for a few days after surgery, to help you heal well. For several months, you will need to use artificial tears to keep your eyes moisturized; when the flap is created, the nerve endings are temporarily disrupted, so your brain doesn't know how much tears to create until the nerves grow back. Until then, you need to add tears to assist the healing and keep the surface of your eyes healthy. Once the nerves are back to normal, you can just use artificial tears when your eyes feel dry. Hope this information helps - just follow your surgeon's eye drop instructions and you will do great.
It depends. You should ask your Ophthalmologist.
Yes, after LASIK it is extremely important to use the prescribed drops as well as artificial tears. Drops are part of the surgical healing process.
Yes, antibiotic and steroid drops are given right after surgery for 5-7 days and artificial tears can be used for any foreign body or dry eye symptoms.
Yes,antibiotics and lubricants