Pediatrician Questions Pediatrician

Do toddlers get the meningitis vaccine?

I am a 29 year old female. I want to know if toddlers get the meningitis vaccine?

7 Answers

Please consult with your family doctor/pediatrician.
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Toddlers do not get the meningitis vaccine. They get it at 11 year’s followed by a booster dose at 16 years.
In US, infants get the Hib and PCV 13 vaccines for these bacteria that can cause meningitis. The MCV4 and Men B are not routinely given to the infants nor toddlers unless there is a special indication, like traveling to endemic countries. You can always check with your pediatrician.
Meningitis -- inflammation of the covering of the brain and spinal cord -- is almost always caused by infection by either bacteria, a virus, or, rarely, a fungus. Virtually any infecting organism can cause a meningitis and there are several different bacteria that are more known for causing meningitis than others. Infants receive a vaccine to *Haemophilus influenza*, one of the types of bacteria that is known to cause meningitis and other types of infections. Group B streptococcus is another major cause of meningitis in newborns and younger infants, and there is no vaccine for that. Meningitis caused by *Neisseria meningitides* is more common in the older age groups and adolescents/young adults receive vaccines against that bacterium, but toddlers do not. *Streptococcus pneumoniae* is a rare cause of meningitis in children -- infants receive a vaccine against that organisms as well.

Shelley C. Springer, MD, MBA, MSc, JD, FAAP
There are some countries where the "meningitis" vaccine is required - specifically the menactra/meningococcal vaccine, but in the US, unless there is some underlying immune issue, babies/toddlers do not routinely receive this vaccine. But, the HIB vaccine and the Prevnar vaccine do prevent other forms of bacterial meningitis resulting from either strep or h. flu bacterial infections. These two vaccines are routinely given to babies/toddlers.
No, meningitis vaccines are usually administered at 11 and 16 years of age.

Thank you for your question. If you are referring to the meningococcal vaccine (there are 2 kinds) the CDC recommends that the first dose usually is given to 11-12 year olds. There are special situations though that the vaccine is given to younger children. You can always check with your pediatrician to make sure your child is up to date with their vaccines.