OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions OB-GYN

Does breastfeeding help you lose weight?

I am a 29 year old female. I wonder if breastfeeding helps you lose weight?

6 Answers

For some women it does and others, it doesn't. Like many things it can vary from person to person!
Yes it does, In fact in general women that breast feed for at least 6 months loose all their pregnancy's weight, keeping in mind that the patient only gained the "appropriate" recommended weight gain during her pregnancy which is 28-32 lbs. If the patient was not vigilant about her weight gain during her pregnancy, or was overweight before she was pregnant ..breast feeding may not be quite as successful.
Yes. If your calorie intake is not increased. Weight is a balance of calorie intake vs output. Breast feeding does use additional calories.

Congratulations on the birth of your baby. Yes, breastfeeding will definitely help you lose weight, however, remember, everything in moderation. If you have 6 milkshakes a day on top of your normal diet, then, no, you will not lose weight (probably). However, if you have the same diet and same exercise, breastfeeding will help burn more calories than if you did not breastfeed.
I hope that this helps.

Joseph A. Adashek, MD FACOG
It definitely can but will vary from patient to patient. Some experts feel a woman burns an extra 500 cal a day with breastfeeding which is probably higher in the early phases of breast feeding but less after 8 months or so. No guarantee but if weight loss is a goal the extra calorie burn your body will do in producing and expressing the milk is usually not a bad thing not to mention the most important aspect of the breastfeeding which is providing the best source of nutrition for your baby. Hope this helps.