Oncologist Questions Cancer

Are there any general symptoms for cancer that one should look out for?

It seems cancer has become a very common problem these days. Are there ways to identify cancer risk early in life?

2 Answers

Recent data has suggested that almost half of all of us in this world will get a cancer diagnosis of some kind in our lifetime! About 10% of cancer is hereditary, but 100% is genetic, meaning we are susceptible to damage to our genetic profile through what we are exposed to in our environment, what we eat and drink and the stress we endure through everyday life! My mantra to all my patients is "do most things in moderation." Live life to the fullest, pursue your dreams, do what you love and love what you do! Try to eat well, sleep enough and exercise both your brain and body! Do the recommended screening tests based on your age, gender and family history. Find a great primary care doc whom can direct you in the correct medical direction. Even doing all of this doesn't guarantee you'll live to 100, but it does improve your chances. Socialize and be as happy as you can and let the small stuff roll off your back.
Part of maintaining a healthy life style is a good diet, regular exercise, avoiding activities that are associated with cancer, avoiding activities and habits that are associated with cancer. Included would be regular physician evaluations.