Plastic Surgeon Questions Stretch Marks

What can I do to get rid of my stretch marks and excess skin?

I have lost over 100 pounds and have lots of excess skin and stretch marks. Can anything be done to fix this?

13 Answers

CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR WEIGHT LOSS. It’s not an easy task. Unfortunately, with rapid weight loss, the skin can’t tighten back up. Therefore, leading to excess or sagging skin in the abdomen, breasts, upper arms, inner thighs and even neck. The only procedures are removal of the skin surgically, tummy tuck and other lifts. You may also visit my website at for further information.
Congratulations on your weight loss! Body contouring can help you achieve the body you deserve.
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First, congratulations on losing over 100 lbs. That is a major accomplishment and you should be proud of yourself. Now, there are several treatments for stretch marks which include lasers, carboxytherapy and surgery. If you also have excessive skin after your weight loss then surgery that can remove the excessive skin and address the stretch marks is likely the ideal option for you.
Thank you for your inquiry... There are definitely surgical procedures to remove excess skin after weight loss. Depending on the specific areas, the procedure and recovery will vary.
Thanks so much for your question! And congratulations on losing all that weight. That's no small feat. Unfortunately, the excess skin and stretch marks don't usually disappear with weight loss and that can leave you with some trouble areas. The only way we have to remove excess skin and stretch marks is with surgery. The treatment plan would depend on which areas bother you, and, as with all surgeries, there will be a scar. I like to think of it like going to a tailor- if you have a dress or a pair of pants taken in, there has to be a seam somewhere. It's my job as a plastic surgeon to hide the scar and make sure it heals perfectly!

The best next step would be to set up a consultation with a plastic surgeon who is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery; he or she would be able to help work with you to figure out how to best suit your needs.
The skin excess and stretch marks can only be removed surgically. This would include abdominoplasty, brachioplasty for arms and thigh pasty for your thighs, depending on where your excess skin is.
It depends upon the thickness or quality and age of the skin. If the weight has been lost slowly the skin has time to contract. Thicker or younger skin which have no stretch marks have a better chance of “tightening” or contracting. That being said, in most cases when a large amount of weight has been lost, the skin envelope is usually stretched and thinner and will need excision. Only an examination or at least a picture can tell you for sure what needs to be done. But in most cases body contouring surgery is necessary when 100 pounds has been lost. I applaud your discipline and tenacity in losing that amount of weight. Bravo!
There are certainly surgical procedures that can help you if you are otherwise stable and in good health. Timing is important. You should seek a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon.
You will need to have what is called body contouring surgery to remove excess skin with stretch marks.
It all depends on how much excess skin we are talking about. Unfortunately, after such a significant weight loss (congratulations on that), there is no specific treatment for the laxity of skin that remains. Younger people can recover some of the shape by exercise and maintaining the new weight. Stretch marks can improve with various lasers and RF applications.

If the excess skin and stretch marks are on your abdominal wall, you should have an abdominoplasty, also referred to as a “tummy tuck”.
Congratulations on your weight loss. Unfortunately, your skin loss is elasticity, therefore you may require surgery to correct your issues. However, you will trade off skin for scars, some stretch marks can be removed along with the skin, but, unfortunately, there is nothing that can be done for stretch marks, besides perhaps camouflaging.

Have a great day!