Dentist Questions Root Canal

How do I know if I need a root canal?

My back tooth is killing me, and I haven't gone to the dentist in so long because of a bad experience with an old one. But now I think I have to go, and that I would need a root canal. Is there any symptoms that I should be aware of that indicate I would need a root canal?

13 Answers

Find a dentist you can trust, it looks like you need a root canal.
First you need dental exam, x-ray and testing
Symptoms for root canal can vary widely. Usually a painful tooth has a source of pain that can be resolved by any number of appropriate therapies. Because the sources of pain are so broad, the only way to determine the source is to seek dental care as soon as possible. Do not forget that even if the pain resolves on its own, this may be a temporary state that will lead to even worse consequences in the future. It may turn into a ticking time bomb waiting to explode, usually at the most inconvenient time possible. You really need to be seen by a trusted dental professional as soon as possible in order to avoid the potential for more pain and discomfort. Good luck.
Only a dentist can diagnose if RCT is needed. Not you...unless you go to a dental school.
The classic symptoms would be localized swelling and extreme pain during the course of eating when otherwise your teeth would fit together normally. This is due to the pressure from the infection which has spread out the end of the route to the underlying socket and can get much worse involving a systemic infection which spreads to the heart eventually. This needs to be diagnosed and checked early on as it is not your imagination
Well, first the pain is a sign that you need to be seen ASAP. Apart from that, sensitivity to temperature (cold and/or hot) would be an indication that the tooth needs a root canal.
Yes, sometimes you can experience a lot of pain when a root canal is needed. But I cannot be sure without an exam, X-ray, and some diagnostic tests. Sometimes if there is an infection, antibiotics will be prescribed, but please get to a dentist ASAP and if you are fearful, you can go to a dentist that offers sedation or general anesthesia.
Root canals are done when the pulp in the center of the tooth becomes infected. You might feel pain or have swelling in the gums above the tooth. However you might not have any symptoms at all, but a dentist will be able to take an x-ray to see if there are any infections in the bone. Best to find a dentist who does not scare you and prevent dental problems. Prevention is healthier and cheaper in the long run.
First of all, I’m so sorry that you are in such pain. Pain like you are describing certainly suggests that you may need root canal therapy, assuming the tooth can be maintained. An X-ray and clinical exam by a licensed dentist would make that diagnosis and get you treated. Good luck to you.
Seems like you are already answering your own question. Severe pain whether a reaction to cold, biting or pressure; especially with no stimulus (cause), means you probably need root canal treatment. If your mouth or face becomes swollen you probably also need an antibiotic.
Pain is usually a strong indicator that there is something going wrong with your tooth. The longer you wait, the worse the situation might turn. Sometimes the decay might be so extensive the only solution to take you out of pain may be a tooth extraction.
There are some symptoms that suggest the need for a root canal- but obviously since you have discomfort- a dental visit for a proper evaluation and X-ray will be the only way to know for sure.
I would assure you that your experience this time should be much better.

Dr Gochman

You will usually feel a few things that help us predict the need for a root canal. It doesn’t always guarantee it. If you are having lingering sensitivity to cold temperature meaning behind 30 seconds, specific sensitivity to hot (coffee, tea, hot foods), or spontaneous radiating pain back to the ear or up the eye