Dentist Questions Dentist

How do dentists put sealants on teeth?

I am a 23 year old male. I want to know how do dentists put sealants on teeth?

7 Answers

In my practice, we don't put sealants on adults. We use a specific camera called a Spectra that reads the depths of the grooves so that we can measure if there is decay on not. Some doctors seal over decay, which is never recommended.
The sealants are technique sensitive and are placed within couple minutes by isolating the tooth and applying few solutions and light curing it. Hope this helps.
Sealants are to protect the teeth from decay. The tooth is etched with a mild conditioner and a bonding agent is brushed onto the enamel surface, then flowable composite is placed in the grooves to seal and protect from decay.

After making sure the tooth is clean, we paint a solution on the groove of the tooth. Wait 30 seconds and rinse it off with water and dry. Immediately after we apply this clear or tooth colored liquid on the groove and then shine a special light on it for 20 seconds and Done!
Sealants are a non invasive preventive procedure whereby the dentist will clean the grooves of the tooth and then apply a thin layer of the sealant material. The sealant material is usually a resin and will prevent bacteria from the chewing surfaces of the tooth
Hi there,

The American Dental Association (ADA) suggests sealant application is a simple, painless process:

First, the tooth's surface is cleaned and dried. Then, an "acidic gel" is applied briefly to roughen the tooth surface to help the sealant adhere to your natural tooth. Shortly after, the dental hygienist will rinse the gel and dry the tooth before applying the sealant. After the water rinse, the tooth surface is dried and the sealant is applied. A blue light is then used to solidify the sealant on to the tooth.
Hope it answers your question.
Sealants are placed by the Dentist using a bur to slightly "roughen up" the tooth structure, then a series of materials are "painted" onto the surface of the tooth.

The process is quick, and no numbing medicine is necessary.