Dentist Questions Toothaches

How do I get rid of toothache fast?

I need a temporary solution to a toothache. I've had one for the past three days and I have a birthday part this weekend. So, I want to get rid of the pain temporarily before I go to the dentist next week to check it out. Any recommendations?

9 Answers

Red cross toothache kit or clove oil
See a dentist ASAP, no need to suffer.
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I would have you visit your dentist ASAP; early detection and prevention can go a long to further discomfort and problems.
Ultimately taking Tylenol and ibuprofen will help reduce the pain but the only thing that will get rid of the pain is getting the tooth treated. The faster you can see the dentist the better and avoid chewing on that side.
Sorry, you may not want to hear this, but go to your dentist tomorrow. Don’t wait!


Bruce L. Elkind, DDS, PA
If you have a hole in the tooth you can rub oil of clove on the area for temporary relief. Your best bet is to get into your dentist as soon as possible and if there is some swelling an antibiotic may be helpful.
To manage pain, you have to take pain medication. No other option but to see a dentist fast
It is quite difficult to advise patients what to do with a pain except, of course, taking over-the-counter painkillers. Sometimes using temporary cement available in the local pharmacy to close "the hole" works, but only if you don't have an active or chronic infection; then, closing the tooth will make the pain worse.
Good luck!
You will have a pain and it will recur unless you go to the dentist and have them take care of what you need.