Endocrinology-Diabetes Questions Endocrinology-Diabetes

How do you feel when your sugar is high?

I am a 20 year old male and I have diabetes type 2. How do you feel when your sugar is high?

7 Answers

Agitated. Feeling sick.
Very tired, sleepy, increased urination, increased thirst.
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There are different symptoms: fatigue, dizziness, feeling lightheaded, thirsty, dry mouth...
You may feel:
Increased thirst and/or hunger.
Frequent urination.
Sugar in your urine.
Blurred vision.
However you could be asymptomatic, that is the real danger.
AWFULL!! I have diabetes & have had it for 27 Yrs. & I have experienced high & low BS. Both make you feel bad but it has to do with the degree of high or low. Also different people have different tolerance for high & low. Some people can feel low & bad at 70 while others can go below 30 or so & not feel it. The same is true of high BS. I begin to feel bad above 300. Others may feel bad above 250 & some not until above 4-500. So it's hard to answer your ? specifically. You have to find your level at which you feel bad. The feeling is hard to describe & is different in different individuals. I feel weak & Nauseated & irritable & "out of sorts". You may feel tired, thirsty & urinating a lot. Just try keeping your BS in a good range (Fasting <110 & after meals <150) & you won't have to have any of the feelings of high & low.
Most people describe blurred vision, nausea, urinating a lot, headache, and trouble focusing or thinking. The most common symptom is feeling tired.
Excess thirst and frequent urination are symptoms. Otherwise, you may not feel anything until you become unconscious and go into a coma. I recommend you get and start using this a glucometer to check your blood sugar.

William Z. Cohen, M.D., FAAFP