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How effective is kidney dialysis?

I am a 65 year old female who needs kidney dialysis. How effective is kidney dialysis?

6 Answers

If there is kidney failure or kidney not functioning, only dialysis is option to effectively remove toxins from body.
Kidney substitute kidney function for metabolic waste removal and maintaining fluid and electrolytes balance. Besides that, the body needs some supplements which must be given as medicine with pills.
It is better to get a family memeber to donate a kidney to you.
Dialysis removes toxins that have accumulated and keeps the balance of fluid in your body.
This is the only way to stay alive and also may be a bridge to a kidney transplant. There are 2 types of dialysis: 1) Hemodialysis which you go to a clinic typically 3 days a week connected to a machine that purifies your blood 2) Peritoneal dialysis with a catheter in your peritoneal cavity that does not involve blood. There is fluid going inside your belly and drains out on a nightly base while you are sleeping at night via a small machine in the comfort of your home but it is done every night.
It's the difference between life and death for someone who needs it.