Nephrologist (Kidney Specialist) Questions Dialysis

How long can a person survive on dialysis?

I'm 38 years old and have been on dialysis for about 8 months. It's unbearable for me. It's managing my kidney condition well, but I don't think I can be on this for much longer. How long can someone survive on dialysis?

2 Answers

It is a challenge to adjust to dialysis for many people, and especially at your age. I hope that you are on the transplant list --if not, push and push hard--dialysis should only be a bridge to transplant at your age! I personally have seen people on dialysis for 30 years, and sometimes longer.
Really work with your doctor, nurses, and especially the social worker to try to adjust better to what you need to live now, but get on the transplant list if at all possible. You will live longer and better with a transplant!
A long time, some have made it over 25 years. Best to get a transplant