Dermatologist Questions Dermatologist

How long do you leave glycolic acid on your face?

I am a 29 year old female and I want to start using glycolic acid. How long do you leave glycolic acid on your face?

3 Answers

Glycolic acid peels should only be applied by a licensed professional. The length of time left on the skin depends on the strength of the glycolic peel. It typically ranges between 1-5 minutes. If left on too long you risk burns, redness, pigment changes, blisters or scarring. Contact your local board certified dermatologist for treatment.
It depends on what vehicle you are using. Glycolic acid cream can be applied and left on for hours. Glycolic acid peels have to be applied, then neutralized within minutes. Please see your dermatologist for evaluation.
Glycolic acid comes in many different strengths and formulations. Some are cleansers, some are lotions, and there are many different strengths. Please consult with your local dermatologist and see if the recommendations on the package are recommended for your skin type as well as your concerns.