Anesthesiologist Questions Anesthesiologist

How long does anesthesia last after hernia surgery?

I am a 40 year old male. I want to know how long does anesthesia last after hernia surgery?

4 Answers

If it is general anesthesia, you will go home the same day. You may be a little sleepy, but the effects will go away after several hours.
You should be awake although groggy roughly 30 minutes following a general anesthetic for hernia surgery.
It depends on the type and extent of the hernia and the type of anesthetic used. Simple hernia repair under general anesthetic lasts for about 2-4 hours and starts fading away gradually, and by 24 hours, you should be back to yourself. Pain medication may linger for a few days.
Spinal anesthesia could last from 2 hrs to 4 hrs or more. Geta is less recovery.