Rheumatologist Questions Gout

How to Treat Knee Gout?

Can indocin be used to quickly treat knee gout?

Male | 84 years old
Complaint duration: 3/01/00
Medications: 6mp
Conditions: Crohns

8 Answers

If you have crohn's disease, then indocin is not the best drug to treat gout flare as indocin can cause a crohn's flare. I suggest you speak with your doctor or see a rheumatologist to determine the right treatment plan.
I would NOT use indomethacin in 84 yr old because of risk of Gastrointestinal and kidney side effects . I would either inject knee with steroid or use 7-10 day course of prednisone
Would avoid Indocin due to your older age, which may aggravate Crohn's.
Indocin is brutal on the stomach, especially at your age. It has the highest incidence of causing stomach ulcers. I would prefer a cortisone shot in the arm or the knee. One-shot will act as a powerful anti-inflammatory but not affect your immune system. Also, you should take Colchicine for acute gout attacks.
Yes, if it's your first episode of gout. Cortisone injection to the knee is more effective. If you have more than one gout episode , you need uric acid-lowering treatment.

Thanks for your question. A gout flare can be treated by a combination or any of the following: colchicine, indocin (an anti inflammatory), and/or steroids. This should be done under the direction of your physician.
Thanks so much!

Best regards,

Dr. Brionez
Much safer at your age to stay on a single colchicine orally to prevent relapse and treat acute attacks, which are very inflamed with a "Medrol Pak." If the 6MP above means you have inflammatory bowel disease, you may not be able to tolerate any colchicine.

Daniel Cohen, MD
Yes, possibly.