Abdominal Surgeon Questions Gastroenterologist

I can't tell if I'm constipated, have gas, or if it's something serious?

Since 10 am this morning I have had really bad pain in my lower abdomen, rectum. It hurts to sit down. Now the pain has moved to above my belly button, but is still hurting lower, it's kind of everywhere. It really hurts to walk or stand straight.

Female | 21 years old

3 Answers

Your symptoms seems somewhat serious although you have not shared any significant medical history you may have had in the past. Please visit your local physician for advice.
My first question is, when was the last time you had a bowel movement? It could be a combination of gas and constipation. If this pain continues you should definitely get worked up by a GI doctor. If everything comes back negative you should consider enzymes and probiotics. These symptoms are very common when you're not producing enough enzymes to digest your food properly or don't have enough good bacteria in the gut. This happens as we age, when we are not eating the best diet in the world or if we are really stressed out. It's very easy to fix, however, taking a good healthy probiotic daily and enzyme with every meal can help eliminate these symptoms very quickly.
This could be many things, and if the symptoms don't resolve, you would need to see a doctor to get a history and physical exam to try to figure out the cause. More detail is needed to narrow down the possibilities. If pain is bad enough, then an ER visit might be best. Otherwise, can see a primary care doctor or go to an urgent care clinic.