Gastroenterologist Questions Nausea and Vomiting

I don’t know what’s going on. Should I be worried?

I have had nausea and loss of appetite for about 3 days. The nausea is constant and has not subsided even when taking a zophran or gas x. The passing of bowel movements doesn't help the nausea and no vomiting has occurred, which could be due to no appetite. I feel pretty much exhausted and sort of a not being able to fully breathe sensation a few times.

Should I be worried or just wait it out?

Female | 14 years old
Complaint duration: About 3 days
Medications: Mydais, and one more anti anxiety pill

4 Answers

Nausea is a very nonspecific symptom that could be caused by many things including non-intestinal conditions. You simply have a transient bug or infection since you only report 3 days of nausea. If it persists a week or more then see a primary care doctor.
Nausea and loss of appetite are usually a stomach (different from colon) issue. With those kinds of symptoms i’d Want to find out more and possibly do an upper endoscopy to make sure you don’t have an ulcer.
If symptoms persist, then you should see your doctor. Hope you’re feeling better now.
Waiting it out sounds good. Clear liquids and bland stuff like side crackers should help settle your stomach, and if you’re not better by Thursday give the doctor a call. Tea has a soothing effect.