Musculoskeletal Oncology Questions Bone Cancer

Is bone cancer curable?

A cousin of mine was diagnosed with bone cancer recently, and it's not exactly a cancer that I've heard of. Is bone cancer curable? How is bone cancer diagnosed, typically?

1 Answer

Hello. Your question is quite complicated. “Bone cancer” is usually diagnosed following symptoms appearing that are able to be referred to a bony area. An X-ray can then be done. Usually pain is one major symptom. X-rays will show an abnormality in the area with symptoms.

The X-rays and the doctor can usually interpret the reason for the symptoms.

Bone cancer, though, can be a symptom of a primary tumor that arises in a bone. Very commonly, though, it can be a manifestation of a metastatic spread of another tumor. The treatment depends on the type of tumor which usually needs a biopsy to determine. The doctor needs to give an opinion on the next step to take.