Otolaryngology | Facial Plastic Surgery Questions Facelift Surgery

Is face lift surgery safe?

I'm 45 years old and I'm thinking of getting a face lift. Is face lift surgery safe?

9 Answers

Hello, yes it is, if done by a qualified surgeon. Risk factors are similar to any other surgery such as infection and bleeding. There is absolutely no smoking for two months prior to surgery and if diabetic, it should be controlled. A medical clearance should be obtained. These increase the chance of scarring or worse, gangrene. If you have any further questions or inquiries please visit my website at Drroya.com. Good luck!
Facelift surgery is a safe operation as long as there are no significant health issues. However, any operation does carry certain risks, but these can be minimized by surgeon training and experience.
Good Luck.
As with any type of surgery, there are risks. However, many facelift surgeries are performed all of time without any complications occurring.
Facelift surgery encompasses many separate maneuvers and procedures. Any rejuvenation treatment should be tailored and customized to your anatomy, goals, and risk tolerance. No surgery is completely risk free but the risks should be commensurate to your goals and should be fully discussed with you. With adequate and appropriate consultation, facelift procedures should be quite safely performed. Dr. Robin Yuan
Facelift surgery is very safe in the right hands. Make sure you choose a surgeon with experience and great recommendations.

William A. Stefani, MD
As long as you are healthy and you are being treated by a board certified Plastic Surgeon, the procedure should be extremely safe
Facelift surgery, or any surgery for that matter, is always serious business to a surgeon that is experienced and board-certified. Safety should always be the priority, outcome and results second. That being said, elective and/or cosmetic surgery should always have an extremely low complication rate and you should be aware of all the potential risks.
In general, elective cosmetic surgery is safe, but you should make sure you are being treated by a board certified plastic surgeon and having surgery in a certified OR. Also, you need to make sure you have no underlying medical conditions that might predispose you to a complication. Your blood pressure should be normal and you should be healthy. Complications can
occur, but most are minor and easily dealt with. At your consultation, talk to the doctor about your worries.

William B. Rosenblatt, M.D.