Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

Is it ok for a chiropractor to crack your spine?

I am a 23 year old male. My chiropractor cracked my spine yesterday. Is it ok for a chiropractor to crack your spine?

20 Answers

The ‘cracking’ is an adjustment that helps to eliminate blockages in the communication between your brain and your body. It’s very ok and it’s very safe to receive that treatment.
YES, keep going you will be amazed at how good you will feel.
Doctors of Chiropractic are licensed to treat humans and this may involve treatments that make cracking sounds. There is no danger in hearing that sound during the treatment. However, never crack your own spine or allow a non-licensed individual crack your spine or any other joint, because that is dangerous!
Chiropractic is widely recognized as one of the safest drug-free, non-invasive therapies available for the treatment of neuromusculoskeletal complaints. Although chiropractic has an excellent safety record, no health treatment is completely free of potential adverse effects. The risks associated with chiropractic, however, are very small. Many patients feel immediate relief following chiropractic treatment, but some may experience mild soreness or aching, just as they do after some forms of exercise. Current literature shows that minor discomfort or soreness following spinal manipulation typically fades within 24 hours.
This seems like a question that should be asked BEFORE an adjustment. Regardless of that, yes it is okay for a chiropractor to adjust (not "crack") your spine; that's what we do. Now if they were checking your teeth for cavities, then your worry is warranted. Otherwise, you will be fine; enjoy the adjustments and better health. Good luck!
Yes, chiropractors are highly trained in joint manipulation, which does sometimes make a cracking or popping sound. As long as you went to someone qualified, it is completely normal.

Dr. Jonathan Donath, DC, MS

Chiropractors perform adjustments which may produce a “cracking” sound. In reality, the sound or “cracking” produced is gas being released between the joints. It is a very safe type of treatment.

Be well,

Dr. Skokos
Yes it is completely safe. The ‘crack’ is gas releasing from the joint as the Chiropractor is freeing up the joint in order for it to function the way that it is supposed to.
We need to be clear: Nothing has been cracked. A popping sound is sometimes heard. This is due to a pressure change inside the joint. This is a normal physiological result.
Chiropractors specialize in adjustments using physical manipulation to correct subluxations. It is safe for everyone in fact it is recommended for newborns, exiting the birth canal is a traumatic process. For expecting mothers, adjustments help with symptoms like nausea, back pain, and it can aid in the birthing process as well by adjusting the pelvis. The elderly find it increases their mobility and quality of life as well by allowing them to function with less or no pain compared to before regular chiropractic treatment. If you play sports or have been in a wreck, or just twisted an ankle walking the dog, chiropractors can help relieve pain. Adjustments are more than okay, they are great as long as you are seeing a Doctor of Chiropractics and not having a buddy "crack your back".
That crack that your are referring to is actually called an "adjustment," and yes, it is normal for your chiropractor to give you an adjustment. We have extensive training in the manipulation of the spine.
Chiropractors adjust your spine, not crack your spine. Yes it is OK for chiropractors to adjust your spine
Yes, adjustments to the spine and spinal manipulation done by a licensed chiropractor is safe and effective for a variety of musculoskeletal conditions.

Cracking is fine and is also known as an adjustment or manipulation. As long as they did their due diligence before the adjustment, you should be fine. Like with everything, there are contraindications or side effects, i.e., muscle soreness, tightness, and/or stiffness. A good chiropractor will explain everything they’re about to do to ensure you, the patient, are comfortable and confident in what they are about to do.


Dr. Duchon
The popping sound is normal for joints when moved quickly to the end range of motion. The goal of an adjustment is not the pop, it is a change in the resting length and tension of the adjacent muscles and improvement of nerve and muscle tone. So whether the chiropractor pops, cracks, stretches quickly, uses and instrument or a special table, the end result is improvement in the resting length and tension of the muscles, resulting in a change in position of bones.
Hi there,

So, if your back made popping noises from treatment, that's super normal. Just some air bubbles in the joints popping (like bubble wrap).
The crack, pop you speak of, is just air - gas being released. There isn't any cracking of joints, ligaments, and tendons. Sometimes in the early morning when we get up and stretch, sometimes a popping sound is heard. Nothing fractured, it is just a release of air.
Yes, the crack sound is a release of gases within the fluid filled joints. This can occur when realigning the joints of the spine. The crack sound is only a side effect of movement in the joints.
Not sure what you mean by crack, but it is ok for a chiropractor is adjust your spine that is their specialty and it is ok if that adjustment makes noise, that is pressure being released from the spine and the adjustment breaking up any arthritis that may be forming.