Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

Is it too late to fix your posture?

I am a 28 year old female and I have bad posture. Is it too late to fix your posture?

12 Answers

It's never too late to make positive changes.
No it is not too late.

Good question, and no, it's never too late. It takes massage, chiropractic, self help exercises, stretching, ergonomically correct furniture - if necessary, and time.

Thank you,

Dr. Laurence Churchill
Good afternoon. It is never too late to correct ones posture. Assuming there are no previous injuries or scoliosis, posture is often corrected with the proper chiropractic care, and at home exercises. A strict yoga practice is also one of the best ways to correct ones posture and overall health as well.
It is never too late to make changes to your lifestyle and spine to help with posture!
It is absolutely not too late to correct your posture. Spinal care can determine if you have a vertebra or two misplaced that is the source of your slouching. It would not take an extended amount of time to re-align the spine to support good posture. Also, it is important to look at the back muscles to see if they need strengthening or stretching. I personally, would do a few emotional adjustments to reinforce proper alignment.
It depends. Most of the time the answer is, it's never too late. There can be some traumas and congenital issues that will be less responsive to exercise and conservative care.
Not too late. A chiropractor can potentially help you as well.
Postural condition that needs to be evaluated if there is a history of trauma or disease and these should be evaluated. Otherwise posture is changing your life style. Quick can be obtained only if recent. Maintenance requires work over time. Posture is very important sitting and standing. One method is to put your back to the wall and go into military posture, stomach in, shoulders back and head touching with chin tucked. In my opinion treating the spine is about function. Everybody's spine is different and responds differently. The goal is to make the spine work well within its own structural parameters. Stretching, exercises, posture, habits and activities of daily living can make a difference. It is important to get help from a licensed professional. Doctors of Chiropractic (DC) are trained to diagnose and treat all the areas of the neuromuscular skeletal
No it is not too late. You will have to make lifestyle changes and continue to work on your posture over time.
If you are only 28, it is not too late to fix posture. However, the sooner the better. Visit your chiropractor for help with this.