Acupuncturist Questions Chronic Pain

Is there evidence that acupuncture works?

I'm 38 years old and I have chronic neck pain. Can acupuncture help? Is there evidence that acupuncture works?

27 Answers

Of course.
There is lots of evidence that acupuncture works at treating pain. Is there evidence specifically on whether acupuncture treats chronic neck pain? Yes.

There are no absolutes... some things, like pain from stenosis, I don't think would work well--or at least that is my experience thus far. Herniated discs? I have seen marvelous recovery from this...

So it is hard to answer this unequivocally without knowing way more about your specific state of health. I hope this was helpful.
Acupuncture, massage and herbs work, they can relieve your pain!
Yes, acupuncture can be effective in releasing tension or tightness that can be associated with physical pain, neck included. It also works on a physiological level to desensitize the brain, allowing the brain to decrease those "pain" signals and help re-calibrate the system to function without feeling pain or discomfort.
More and more research has been conducted showing very high efficicacy rates for acupuncture. This is part of the reason it’s becoming more mainstrain and integrated into hospital settings. Please google search studies on Acupuncture Efficacy for specific studies.
Yes, acupuncture can reduce pain and inflammation. Researchers have discovered how it works. Laboratory controlled scientific investigations, a key biological marker has been identified, quantified, and directly correlated with the application of acupuncture. Acupuncture successfully down regulates a proinflammatory biochemical (tumor necrosis factor alpha),
which results in anti-inflammatory responses. In addition, the researchers have mapped the neural pathways by which acupuncture signaling stimulates anti-inflammatory effects. A few of the research articles are listed below. With advanced scientific tools, we can just now, begin to discover how this modality creates a healing response.

*HD Lim et al., “Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Acupuncture Stimulation via the Vagus Nerve,” PloS one. 11, no. 3 (March 19, 2016), accessed February 3, 2017, pp 4-5. <>*

*Zhang, Ruixin, Lixing Lao, Ke Ren, and Brian M. Berman. "Mechanisms of acupuncture–electroacupuncture on persistent pain." The Journal of the American Society of Anesthesiologists 120, no. 2 (2014): 482-503.*
Yes, there is evidence that acupuncture works. You can get online find UC Irvine Medical School website, UCLA, USC Medical School website, they have a lot of research report to prove that acupuncture works for certain problems.

Take care,

There are many studies demonstrating the effects of acupuncture. Most insurances cover Acupuncture based on these findings. There is a proposal to add acupuncture to medicare as a benefit to reduce opioid prescriptions. We see more and more patients seeking acupuncture to treat their conditions because they are afraid of the side effects of many prescription drugs.
Acupuncture is not a band aid, it is a solution to treat your neck pain.

Alexandre Hillairet, DAOM.
Thank you for your question,

There have been many good quality studies regarding the use of acupuncture for things like chronic pain, particularly pain generated from arthritic changes in the spine or knees.

Acupuncture can be a helpful additional therapy to standard therapies for chronic neck pain that is muscular skeletal.

However, it’s important to always have a good healthcare team including a physician that understands the source of your chronic pain to make sure that something medically treatable is not being missed.
Absolutely, there is a huge array of evidence. There are many studies validating the efficacy of acupuncture for neck pain in PubMed.

With regards,

Steve Paine, OMD, L.Ac.
Yes. Thousands of years of evidence that acupuncture works
Acupuncture has been working for 5000 years and has been documented the entire time.
Yes, I can say that I have proven thousands of times in the nearly 3 decades that I have been practicing it. Repeatedly, over and over again. All of the patients who call me for pain relief, are referrals. That's right, I do not advertise for pain. So, there is your proof. I am one of thousands who practice acupuncture and I am sure that they have thousands of success stories also. Now, is there US scientific research? NO! Why? The USA only accepts double blind research. You cannot pretend to do acupuncture. Once you put a needle in, the patient is being treated. How do you tell a person they had a treatment when there are no needles inserted? So, when your pain becomes greater than your fear of the unknown, try it. And, point to the pain to better assess if it will help your particular case, kind of like imitating the sound your car is making to a mechanic and expecting them to diagnose the problem. We also have to assess the situation.
Acupuncture has been thoroughly researched by The Upledger Institute, one of the leading Western medical research institutes, and their research is widely published. Acupuncture can certainly help relieve chronic neck pain by reducing tension and improving circulation.
Oh, yes, acupuncture can relieve chronic pain. There is much evidence that proves this. I treat many patients with chronic neck pain, and they feel much better than before; the pain goes away.
Acupuncture can absolutely help. There is a lot of research out there confirming its efficacy and you can find most of it on PubMed's website: If you don't feel like reading peer reviewed journals, trust that if it's been around for over 2,500 years, then it must be helping someone!
Absolutly. Pubmed is a good source for evidence that acupuncture works.
Acupuncture can do wonders for pain. Chronic neck pain is included on a very long list of positive things that Acupuncture can help with. And YES, there are tons of evidence on how acupuncture helps get rid of the pain.

Be well, be confident, we can help.
There is a long list of studies that show the efficacy of acupuncture and there are hundreds of practitioners who use acupuncture on a daily basis for their patients, including myself. Currently, the AMA and the FDA are even suggesting acupuncture to treat pain problems because the effects are better than some pain medications and because it is non-addictive and has minimal to no side effects. I use acupuncture for patients that have all kinds of pain including neck pain and they leave my clinic with minimal to no pain and the result can last days, weeks, months, or years. I suggest you go try it and see how it can help you.

Be sure to find a Licensed Acupuncturist (L.Ac.) in your area, do not go to some DC or MD who "does acupuncture" go to someone who is fully trained in Chinese medicine. You can search for someone in your area here: NCCAOM.ORG - use the "for patients" link.
Acupuncture, by some accounts, has been around for over 5,000 years and is used in many, many countries. The way I look at it, 5,000 years and billions of people can't all be wrong or making it up. It certainly wouldn't have lasted as a mode of health care if it didn't work. I'd say that was a lot of evidence, compared to the 250 years that modern western medicine has been around.

And acupuncture works for about 75% of the population, whereas western medicine only works for about 33%.

I receive 4 or 5 referrals a week from local doctors, insurance companies, the VA, even pain clinics. I'm quite sure they wouldn't be sending their patients my way if the treatments didn't work.

Acupuncture works on the energies of the body. We don't have sophisticated enough technology yet to be able to measure and gauge what is happening at the points and in the meridians during acupuncture, so western science is still at a loss as to just how to measure it or define how it works. But the National Institute of Health has listed acupuncture as treatment for many problems, so there is enough observational evidence for them to include it in their recommendations.

Can acupuncture help with your neck pain? Nothing is 100%, but most of the time it does for my patients.

Hope this helps. Don't wait. Once you start getting relief, you'll kick yourself for not going sooner.
Yes. Zhang, Zeng, Sun, and Golianu (2016), Acupuncture for Chronic neck pain.
Acupuncture commonly is used effectively to treat neck pain. The WHO ‘World Health Organization’ mandates that Acupuncture is used to treat many chronic ailments including pain.
Yes, acupuncture can help with any chronic pain, including the neck. If you search for "Chronic Neck Pain" on google, there will be many studies on this subject, especially from the National Institute of Health.
Acupuncture can help with chronic neck pain. There is literature out there. Go to the NHI, NCCAOM website, American Society of Acupuncturists are good to find information.
There are literally thousands of good studies showing acupuncture's effectiveness in pain management. Pubmed is the best resource for peer reviewed trials ( Here's a good review article:

I typically get excellent results with all kinds of pain, including neck pain. For the best possible outcome, please make sure you're seeing a licensed acupuncturist in your state. If you're not in CA, you can use the "Find a Practitioner" lookup at to get a list of providers local to you.