Pain Management Specialist Questions Pain Management Specialist

Is walking good for hip pain?

I am a 34 year old male and I have intense hip pain. Is walking good for hip pain?

5 Answers

When it comes to intense hip pain, it's important to consult with a healthcare professional for a thorough evaluation and diagnosis. Before walking for exercise see your health care provider to evaluate what is causing your intense hip pain.

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If you're in too much pain to even think about activity, rest and ice your hip or hips until you feel better. Then attempt stretching and strengthening. Before you start to stretch, warm your muscles up with some light cardio, like brisk walking, for 10 to 15 minutes.
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It all depends on the cause of hip pain. Sometimes waking can actually make hip pain worse. It would be best to directly consult with a physician for an evaluation, physical examination and possible imaging to determine the best course of action.
Any "intense" level pain (qualified as being between 8-10/10 on a number rating scale) should be immediately evaluated. At 34 years old, the possibilities include torn labrum; bone spur; degenerative osteoarthritis; infected joint; and others. Any intense pain should not only not be stressed by walking, but should merit an X-ray evaluation of the hip at the very least. If pain persists and/or worsens despite use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory type drugs and conservative measures including rest, a visit to the nearest emergency department might prove to be very valuable.

Good luck,

Kenneth D. Candido, M.D.