Gastroenterologist Questions Bloating

Is zinetac effective in treating acidity and heartburn?

I am having a lot of bloating around my upper tummy. I am also experiencing heartburn and the doctor has prescribed Zinetac for it. Its been 3 tablets that I have taken already but it has not yet helped. Is the medicine effective enough?

6 Answers

I think you mean Zantac. It is fairly effective for most heartburn, but there are stronger options like Prilosec or Nexium. If one of these pills daily does not control heartburn then you should be seen by a GI doctor as it's possible that acid reflux is not the correct explanation.
This might not be a stomach issue. If it continues, off to the gastroenterologist for blood work, X- rays, and a physical exam/history.
Zinerac or ranitidine is effective in mild to moderate Gerd GIS side effects profile.
If you mean Zantac Yes it can be effective to take. Once or twice daily but many will become tolerant in 2-4 weeks so it’s effectiveness will lessen. PPIs are stronger and do not have the issue of tolerance.
I think you may’ve mentioned what we call Zantac in the US. If it does not work then you may need a different dosage, or a different medicine, or you may have a different GI condition that needs proper evaluation.
Anti-acid medications such as ranitidine that you are using are only effective for someone who has sporadic heartburn, but those who experience frequent heartburn should be on medications that prevent heartburn. Those medications are known as PPI, such as pantoprazole, lansoprazole, omeprazole, etc.