Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT) Questions Throat pain

issues of the throat

I am 41 and have been just diagnosed with sleep apnea last month. I was waking up with my heart rate beating fast, shaking my whole body with my tongue feeling funny each time. Since being on the machine (c-pap) I have been sleeping better but just recently my heart rate when I go to lay down has been rapid and I don’t know why. I have also been experiencing feeling like something is in my throat (started before c-pap machine), sometimes it’s hard to swallow and breathing gets a little hard. I have three nodules in my throat, one on the right, one on the left and one in the middle. The one on the left is bigger. I went to a ENT who stuck something through my nose and said I was fine but my right nodule needed to be biopsied. He said in regards of having a hard time swallowing he can send me to a speech therapist to help me with swallowing. Look this year has really sucked for me but I know I don’t feel normal and it should not feel like something in my throat. I am so uncomfortable & I have to move around because of the uncomfortable feeling. I can’t even lean back on something without it being uncomfortable. I also been having a lot of phlegm in my throat and also when I put my top set of teeth down on the bottom, my mouth be shaking a little. The ENT said he saw some extra collected tissue when he checked out my throat, but it’s not concerning. Do you have any suggestions of what this can be? My background starting this year in February I started bleeding heavy and it went on for weeks before I could get a appointment with my gynecologist. It was found that I have a cyst on my left ovary and after seeing a oncologist about it she said it looks like it is full of fluid. Right now, I have been taking megestrol to stop the bleeding. After that it was said that I was anemic. Two months ago, I went to the ER because I woke up out my sleep with my heart shaking my whole body and it was hard to breath, my tongue felt like it was retracting back. I followed up with my PCP, did a sleep study where I stopped breathing 87 times while sleeping for a period of two days. Now I sleep with a c-pap machine. All of this is this year within months. I just don’t feel normal or like myself anymore.

Female | 41 years old
Complaint duration: 30 days
Medications: megestrol 40mg (for diff issue)
Conditions: thyroid nodules

1 Answer

Sleep apnea will cause you to mouth breath and dry out your throat. leading to lots of the symptoms you describe. If you thyroid has nodules on it, an US determines if they need to be biopsied or not. NOT the ENT doctor.
You sound like you have a lot of anxiety. I suggest talking to a primary care doctor about all your concerns. Stay hydrated, and keep the humidifier full in your CPAP. Take a pepcid AC at night, to treat any silent reflux you may have which will increase the mucous production in your throat.
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