Neurologist Questions Seizures

its about my little brother

I'm just confused, he's having tics, and he's been getting MRI's on is brain done to make sure he's not having silent seizures. Nobody in my family has had hereditary health problems so I'm confused when doctors bring up Alzheimer's. I just need someone that knows what they're talking about to help me. Please.

Male | 9 years old

1 Answer

Tics are a common occurrence in children. They typically go away with age. They can be a part of Tourettes Syndrome, and are accompanied by making noises, grunts or sounds or words. But tics alone are the most common situation. If they are frequent or distressing to the individual, there are medications to treat them. An EEG is appropriate in order to make sure the movements arent seizures, in which case a different kind of medication is used to treat them. They are not associated with any adult illnesses like Parkinsons or Alzheimers.And they are only occasionally seen in multiple family members. A doctor might ask as part of a complete history about whether there are any neurological problems in the family, but only to be thorough in their evaluation, not necessarily to imply a relationship between the two disorders.