Physical Therapist Questions Knee Injuries and Disorders

My knee hurts every time I try and jog. What could be the reason behind this?

I have been suffering from a severe knee pain every time I go for jogging. What is the reason for this? Can I do any form of exercise to reduce this pain?

6 Answers

There are several things to consider when experiencing knee pain while jogging. A few common causes could be overuse, kneecap misalignment, weakened or imbalances of leg muscles or arthritis. It is best to get an evaluation from a therapist to determine the reason behind the knee pain.

Sorry to hear that about your knee. My immediate guess (without a proper assessment and examination) is that you have muscle and fascia tightness above and below your knee joint. Please seek out a physical therapist who can properly examine this for you. And please don't delay getting your condition treated.
Running injuries to knee are common. It’s better to evaluate it by a physical therapist to prevent further damage and also to advise you on proper running techniques. Unless an evaluation is done, it’s hard to say if your pain is from IT band or the knee joint itself.
You need to see an orthopedic specialist for diagnosis. It could be arthritis, meniscus injury, or just chronic strain. First diagnosis and then will talk about treatment options.
There are many possibilities...arthritis, tendinitis, bursitis, chondromalacia, muscle imbalances caused by tightness and/or weakness, decreased joint mobility in your ankles, knees or hips, poor running technique, etc. If you can't figure it out, the best thing to do is see a PT for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan to address issues you may not even know you had.
running is a activity just like pitching in baseball is a activity. Just running is like telling a Major League Baseball pitcher to just through a ball as hard as they can 100 times a day......they will injure themselves very quickly. Running/jogging is a great Activity, but you need to make sure you are physical fit to tolerate the demands of running. I recommend supplement jogging with other exercises such as weight training