Internist Questions Headaches

Can less water consumption cause headaches?

Lately, I have been suffering from headaches. The amount of water that I drink has reduced, mainly because of the amount I've been traveling. Could these two be related?

7 Answers

Yes. With a reduction in water intake, you can be a little dehydrated and this can result in a headache.
Less likely. Are you a coffee drinker?

It might be due to coffee withdrawal. If the headache persist you need to be evaluated
Absolutely! You need to increase overall water intake for your headaches and overall health!
Yes Water is equal to 1/2 of your weight in pounds =Ounces ounces pet day .Also Allalne water is best )eg Lemon on water
Absolutely it can! Keep up on your water intake especially when traveling. While a headache can of course be from other causes as well- try staying well hydrated and see if that helps!
Yes, undoubtedly. Our bodies are primarily made up of water. Even a small amount of dehydration, 1-3% of our total water weight, can have a profound effect on our bodily functions, making us feel more sluggish, impairing cognition, making feel hungry, and, yes, making us more prone to headaches. You may wish to pre-hydrate, starting your day, first thing in the morning drinking 16-32 ounces of water. If you are not accustomed to this, you may have to ease into it. Likewise, make sure you carry a water bottle with you when you go out. A good gauge to ensure you are adequately hydrated is the color of your urine. It should be very lightly tinged, if not clear.